(قال رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم : كل معروف صدقة . ( البخاري
Every good deed is a charity.
Here are some examples of ways to give Sadaqah or Sadaqah Jariyah:
- Donating to someone in need.
- Shielding someone from something harmful.
- Visiting and caring for the sick.
- Feeding others.
- Making dua for others.
- Giving directions to someone in need of them.
- Smiling at others.
- Supporting others.
- Teaching someone a valuable skill.
- Building an institution of good, such as a mosque, school, or hospital.
- Teaching someone valuable knowledge, through books, lessons, etc.
- Building a means of provision, such as a well.
- Planting a tree.
- Creating a home or shelter for people or animals.
Always remember what are we doing, that is just for Allah Almighty.
Why is Sadaqah Important in Islam?
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
“Sadaqah extinguishes sin, just as water extinguishes fire.” (Tirmidhi: 614)
Allah said in the Quran:
“O believers give of what We have provided for you.” (Surah Al-Baqara: 254)
Muhammad P.B.U.H said: When a human being dies, all one’s deeds cease, save three: a Sadaqah Jâriyah, [religious] knowledge [one leaf behind] from which others benefit, and a righteous child who prays for one.” (Muslim)
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