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 1-Islam gives logical and simple idea for God – he is A perfect God – he is not a man nor a son of man nor an Idol or a trinity nor limited nor created – he is unique and to Him belongs all the good qualities
2-Islam accepts all messengers of God — about 124 0000 and in Islam, we love all the prophet of God and we can’t deny any of them – while in other religions such as Judaism for example – they reject Jesus and Mohammed — and in Christianity they reject Muhammad … but in Islam, we accept all.
3-in Islam, there is no mediator between you and God — you can pray to God directly – there is no need for someone in between…
4- Islam is the only religion that is not named after a person or a tribe or a group, its name means submission to the One True God, if anyone anywhere at any time lived the life of submission to the true God alone, then he is a Muslim.
 5- In Islam (worship) is not about mere rituals. it’s a comprehensive term that includes any deed that pleases God. All good deeds are types of worship, smiling, being sincere at work, saying a nice word, and even treating one’s spouse gently, all this is greatly rewarded by God. And in the opposite any deed that doesn’t please God is a sin; talking bad about people is a sin, cheating, lying, hurting innocent people, harming the environment.
6-In Islam God is always forgiving – if you always repent (before death ) he will just accept you no matter how great sins you did >he forgive us out of his own grace – there is no price to be paid for him to forgive > so it’s not like Christianity which says that God can’t forgive except by the blood of Jesus

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